Po fwyaf fyfyriaf am Iesu

(Annrhaethol degwch Crist)
Po fwyaf fyfyriaf am Iesu,
  Mwy ydyw
      gogoniant y sydd,
I'w wel'd yn ei Berson ardderchog,
  Godidog i'w ganfod bob dydd;
Ei weled rydd nefoedd o wynfyd,
  Tra hyfryd - a bywyd diboen,
Gorphwysfa i bob tragwyddoldeb,
  Fydd hardd bresenoldeb
      yr Oen.

Mil mwy yw gogoniant ei Berson,
  Na 'glywson ni eto erio'd,
Ni ddichon angylion na dynion
  Roi'n gyson byth allan ei glod;
Mae ynddo'r fath fôr o ryfeddod,
  'Rwy'n soddi mewn syndod wrth sôn
Am degwch a harddwch rhyfeddol,
  Gogoniant annrhaethol yr Iôn.
Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840

[Mesur: 9898D]

gwelir: Er edrych ac edrych ar Iesu

(The inexpressible fairness of Christ)
The more I study about Jesus,
  The more is glory that is
To be seen in his person excellent,
  Magnificent to be found every day;
Seeing him gives a heaven of blessedness,
  So delightful - and a pain-free life,
A resting-place for all eternity,
  Shall be the beautiful presence
      of the Lamb.

A thousand times greater is
    the glory of his person,
  We never heard again,
Neither angels nor men can
  Ever set forth his praise;
In him is such a sea of wonders,
  I am sinking in wonder at the mention
Of the fairness and wonderful beauty,
  The inexpressible glory of the Lord.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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